Sunday, February 25, 2007


Some interesting links for your web surfing pleasure....she is the most rockingest former mormon ever. These are always "interesting"...sometimes beautiful. I still want one of these. Speaking of beautiful things I love...You can find Abbi, Sam and I sipping the best coffee in Seattle here. For exegesis try this...or this... And never forget to pray.

Have a beautiful week....

Wednesday, February 07, 2007


i love my husband more each day.


beau and i attended a high school basketball game last night. as we were returning to our house through the parking lot behind our building and about to climb the stairs toward our door, a neighbor who was out for a smoke said, "you might not want to go up there." he continued - coors light can in hand - "there are two racoons up there and ... i think they're mating." in what could have been the single most random and hilarious moments in our lives, we looked up and saw it was indeed true. not three feet from our front door were two "coons"...uh, er....."together." we live in the CITY of seattle...we live nestled between a major road and a regional hospital...and here we were, with our furry friends getting a lesson in mammalian procreation. after we tried to give them some space, peeled ourselves off the pavement from laughing so hard, and beau took a couple of "videos" on his razr so we had proof - we (meaning beau) scared them away and we entered our house in a daze....

if all goes well, we should have more little racoons in our hood before the end of summer - who knows what kinds of adventures we will have our wild kingdom.

Thursday, February 01, 2007


i called beau yesterday afternoon and the first words out of my mouth were, "i've been discriminated against!" "sweet," he replied in all seriousness. beau has the uncanny gift of reminding me that suffering is a promise in the Christian walk (thanks honey! ;)).

so the said discrimination came from a "ministry" that helps a minister with HIS taxes. i had heard about this program from a friend and how they do it free of charge and organize everything for the pastors and how sweet since taxes are such a pain, etc. etc. etc. i began to get suspicious, however, when their website was so gender specific and literally said you had to be "fundamental" to have them do your taxes. so, rather than blindly sending in our w2s, i called. the receptionist put me on hold and a man picked up...i explained who i was and asked if they would help me - he replied, "no...we believe in the biblical model of male pastors....[pause] i don't mean to offend you." i thanked him and hung up. the last thing i wanted to do at that moment was get into a debate with a fundamentalist (well, i guess that is really the last thing i EVER want to do...).

but even as i was tempted to be frustrated with these folks, i remembered the heart of God. this weekend i learned something amazing about the romans 12 passage about being kind to our enemies (remember:Do not repay anyone evil for evil. Be careful to do what is right in the eyes of everybody. 18If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone. 19Do not take revenge, my friends, but leave room for God's wrath, for it is written: "It is mine to avenge; I will repay,"says the Lord. 20On the contrary: "If your enemy is hungry, feed him; if he is thirsty, give him something to drink. In doing this, you will heap burning coals on his head." 21Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good. -romans 12:17-21). this passage that is normally looked at as a final revenge against those who are mean to us, actually has a completely different meaning. at that time people who lived outside of the city walls were only kept warm by pits inside their tents that they would fill with hot coals and rocks. many had to travel all the way to the walls of the city to get more coals to keep their families warm through the cold winter nights. merciful neighbors would see these heat seekers and take a burning coal from their fire, and give it to that person. the primary way of carrying things in those days was in clay pots carried on top of the head. the kind and generous neighbor would put burning coals on their head. to heap burning coals on our enemies heads is to bless them and their entire families. isn't that so much more like the heart of God than a cruel punishment (a killing with kindness)...

so...i guess i immediately had the opportunity to bless these God bless the tax people...may their returns be great...