Thursday, March 05, 2009


last night i baptized a baby. i told those gathered that the ancient waters of baptism are a sign that we belong to God. i asked the parents who gave this little one to be baptized - and they said, "we do."

i took the hospital issued coffee cup that the nurse gave me and i put my hand in, poured the water three times over the little eyes that will never open. i baptized him in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. as the entire room wept i said the only thing i knew: that this little one has only and will only ever know pure love. from his mother's womb to the Father's arms.

i kept my tears at bay until i got home...and then let them mix with the rain that was falling. face to heaven - where that little one is...


Doubly Blessed said...

Oh my goodness that made me cry. I can't imagine how difficult that must have been for you or the parents. They were blesses to have you with them!

Anonymous said...


You have such a sacred ministry. Thanks for sharing yourself with us. Blessings on you and that family.

kylee said...

You have been given and use well the gift of words.

Sharon said...

I can imagine that would be a very hard thing to do...I pray that your words touched the hearts of all those there gathered in Christ's name.